theres so many bad people in the world.that were raised wrong.taught wrong.there brains dont compute right.there messed up.look for others im sure its not there first.poor horse.

Tuesday's Horse

Northstar, a 6 year old horse is suffering terribly after being intentionally set on fire in a horrible act of animal cruelty in Crawford County PA.

Police are still seeking the suspects and are actively seeking leads on the case. In the meantime, Northstar needs help for his medical costs on his long road to recovery.

Watch video below.

If you have information on this horrible act of cruelty, call PA State Police at 814-663-2043.

Follow Northstar’s healing here >>

In order to protect our prayerful thoughts, only positive comments will be allowed here. Thank you.

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Straight from the Horse's Heart

OpEd by R.T. Fitch ~ volunteer president/co-founder of Wild Horse Freedom Federation

“There is a foul odor blowing in from the west and it is not the smell of fresh ink!”

In the past 36 hours there has been a whirlwind of hysteria swirling around an incomplete articleon captured American wild horses and burros being sent to slaughter under the watchful eye of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the very agency charged with protecting these national treasures.  David Philipps published said article on what is touted to be an investigative piece on the possibility of a kill buyer purchasing captured wild horses from the BLM and then shipping them off to slaughter but Philipps grievously failed to wait for the story to conclude with final proof and verification of exactly when, how and where the horses actually went.

Philipps’ itchy trigger finger, and that of an alleged wild…

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